Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Adam's Naming to Babel

A thought - is it possible that Adam, being made in the image of God, reflects some of the creative power of God? If the idea argued for in the previous post has any merit, then God by allowing Adam to name the animals evidences that Adam has a shadow of the creative power of God - recall He spoke and it came to be in the earlier Genesis passages. Again referencing Merton, who suggests the words chosen by Adam for the animals were drawn from his soul by God. Adam's utterances were in essence tying the physical reality with the spiritual source for that particular physical reality.

As well, the Babel story fits into this idea. Recall, the people wanted to make a "name" for themselves. (Gen 11:1-9). Again this strikes me as going back to the question of the power of language to be formative. The people wanted to create themselves as free from the strictures of God while acknowledging a necessary relationship to God. By confusing their language God limits that creative power instilled in humanity. He cannot change the fundamental nature of humanity that He had already created, but rather make it difficult by frustrating the then current ability to use the language to form consensus and seek that which is beyond them. Unfortunately a lesson that has not yet been fully understood.

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